
Monday, November 19, 2012

Dangerous Waters: An Adventure of the Titanic by Gregory Mone –OPTIONAL

Mone, Gregory Dangerous Waters: An Adventure of the Titanic 240 pgs. Roaring Brook Press, 2012. $12.74.  (Rating: PG)
Patrick just wants to be a working man like his older brother, so when he gets a chance to join him in the boiler room on the maiden voyage of the Titanic –he jumps. But Patrick just isn't cut out for heavy labor and ends up as a steward for a rich book collector –Harry. Harry’s latest addition to his collection –a rare and old book called Essaies is much desired by more than one person on board, all of whom are willing to do anything to get it.
I was excited to read this book because I love Titanic stories, and the extra attention by providing a character that really existed, Harry, was intriguing. But overall it was a bit dry for me.  It felt like a really simple plot with simple characters –but drawn out into a book that was way too long to carry it off. When a reader already knows the ending (the sinking of the Titanic), the story better be pretty exciting, and this just wasn't. 
MS–OPTIONAL Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary Librarian & Author.

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