
Sunday, September 23, 2012

Team Human by Justine Larbalestier - OPTIONAL

Larbalestier, Justine and Sarah Rees Brennan  Team Human  HarperCollins, 2012.  $17.99  344 pages.  Content: Language: PG-13 (14 swears); Sexual Content: PG; Violence: PG.  

Mel lives in a town shared by vampires and humans, and when a vampire enrolls at her high school, Mel’s best friend Cathy falls for the vampire, Francis.  Mel does everything she can to protect Cathy from  Francis, but when Francis asks Cathy to become a vampire, Mel has to kick up her efforts.   When she follows Cathy to Francis’ house to protect Cathy, she meets a boy named Kit who has been raised by Francis and his family of vampires.  Everything Mel has believed about vampires is challenged and she has to battle some of her earlier prejudices so that she doesn’t lose both Kit and Cathy.  Another subplot to this book involves Mel’s other friend, Anna, whose doctor father has left his family for a vampire client that he was counseling.  Anna knows that her mother is hiding something about his disappearance, but it takes Mel and Kit’s investigating to figure out the mystery.  

This story is interesting with a good plot.  The minor characters are enjoyable, but the world created didn’t feel very believable.  

MS, HS-OPTIONAL.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.

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