
Sunday, September 23, 2012

Making Waves by Nicole Shepherd - OPTIONAL

Shepherd, Nicole Leigh  Making Waves  Razorbill, 2012.  $9.99  247 pages.  Content: Language: PG (7 swears; 9 God); Sexual Content: PG; Violence: G.  

Abby has always dreamed of being a lifeguard on the beach that she grew up on, but an exclusive beach club now owns it, and her family can’t afford to join the club.  Abby gets special permission to be a lifeguard at the beach, but she also has to work at the snack bar.  When she joins the lifeguards at a meeting she learns that an old boyfriend actually got her the job and she also learns that there is a competition for a college scholarship at the end of the summer for all the lifeguards.  Her old boyfriend offers to help train her for the competition and they start to work through their old differences, and regardless of how snotty the people may be at the club, she loves working her beach.  The book ends with the competition and Abby’s fight for everyone’s right to be a lifeguard there.  

I liked the main character, but there were so many minor characters that it was confusing.  Also the story between her and the boy were predictable.  

MS-OPTIONAL.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.

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