
Thursday, July 5, 2012

Ten (The Winnie Years Series) by Lauren Myracle –ADVISABLE

Myracle, Lauren Ten (The Winnie Years Series) 208 pgs Dutton Juvenile, 2011. $12.21.  (Rating: G)
Winnie is thrilled to turn ten! While she love’s her baby brother and her big sister –they are both a lot of work. When her best friend Amanda decides to like boys, it throws some upheaval into her life. Winnie just doesn’t think she is at that stage, but doesn’t want to lose her best friend. Winnie has always embraced her weirdness, like having a Halloween themed birthday party –even though it’s the wrong time of year.  But there is this snobby girl at school who really makes being herself a challenge.
I was dreading reading this book since I recently reviewed another book by this author that I didn’t care for (see this link).  But this book was surprisingly fun to read and had entirely different feel. I thought I would be irritated with how positive and cheery Winnie starts out as, but the author really fledges her out a well-rounded and interesting character. I think students would relate to Winnie and her weirdness and like her all the more for it!
Elementary – ADVISABLE Reviewer: Stephanie MLS graduate & Author.

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