
Thursday, July 5, 2012

Double Dog Dare by Lisa Graff –ESSENTIAL

Graff, Lisa Double Dog Dare 304 pgs Philomel, 2012. $12.84.  (Rating: G)
Francine and Kansas are two fourth graders that go head to head, in an epic challenge to win the coveted spot as the school news anchor. To win that spot each must accomplish Dare’s that are increasingly more challenging, more embarrassing, and school rule defying. But despite the competition, both students have more in common than they know. When the entire media news program is endangered, they need to team up if they want to save the day, better yet they might just become friends.
This was an excellent book that had me in hysterical laughter. It was incredibly creative and had true heart. The chapters switch from Francine’s point of view to Kansas’s point of view –both of which have excellent authenticity and character development. I think students will love the outright fun of the “Double Dog Dare’s” and educators will love the subtle messages presented about divorce and friendship.  I don’t give this rating of essential very often –so this is a must have.
Elementary – ESSENTIAL Reviewer: Stephanie MLS graduate & Author.

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