
Thursday, July 5, 2012

Matthew meets the man by Travis Nichols–ADVISABLE

Nichols, Travis Matthew meets the man 176 pgs. Roaring Brook Press, 2012. $13.28.  (Rating: PG)
Matthew is super sick of his trumpet, he wants to be in a real band. After all- he is way into the music scene, and he hates his marching band uniform. But when he decides on being a drummer,  he finds out that drum sets are super expensive. On top of that he starts dating, which is more expensive than he could imagine. When he signs up for the battle of the bands, before he even has a band, Matthew better get started practicing!!
This was actually a fun book for Middle school students, but I think the cover hampers it a bit. The artwork and the size of the book give the appearance of a book for 3rd graders. The intended age group wants to look smart and cool and may avoid this book just based on the cover. The author has some great insight on the music scene and boys this age, yet keeps it clean.  In case you were wondering “the Man” is authority, but this book doesn’t smack of true rebellion just the start of angst. Both an entertaining and fun read.
MS – ADVISABLE Reviewer: Stephanie MLS graduate & Author.

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