
Thursday, July 5, 2012

I don’t believe it Archie by Andrew Norriss –NOT RECOMMENDED

Norriss, Andrew and Illustrated by Shaw, Hannah I don’t believe it Archie 128 pgs. David Fickling Books, 2012. $12.99.  (Rating: G)
This is the story of seven days  in Archie’s life. There is always something that happens that snowballs into a potential disaster. Like Archie accidently having his hands glued to the door handles on the entrance to the local library –and then he gets the blame for starting a protest against the library closing down.
I know this was supposed to be a series of fast paced and silly adventures, but it was just a big old mess. Sort of had the feel of a failed Roald Dahl inspired chaos. I groaned in horror as an elderly lady tried to get naked in front of Archie, explaining how she wanted to be nude for when the news came, because newspapers love taking pictures of naked women. This wasn’t funny and won’t be in my school library. If I am having nightmares about it, so will the students.
ELEMENTARY – NOT RECOMMENDED Reviewer: Stephanie MLS graduate & Author.


  1. Oh dear, Stephanie, I'm so sorry you didn't enjoy Archie! Clearly you didn't get the humour. Andrew has read these stories to many classes of children and they fall about laughing and really love them. I'm glad to say yours is a solitary voice as many other readers and reviewers have given very positive feedback and look forward to more tales of Archie's extraordinary coincidence filled life in the future.
    Perhaps if you sat in on a group of children and heard and saw their reaction to hearing an Archie story you might change your mind - or not. Afterall I might not enjoy what you do!
    Jane Norriss (@thewriterswife)

  2. Jane -You are right that you might not enjoy what I do... After reading this to a group of elementary students, I would love to hear you explain the part about naked women getting more air time on TV. Then you can explain it to the parents too.

  3. Looks like the humour didn't work so well in Utah. I'm glad to say that there are many reviews by people in the US & the UK who have enjoyed Archie and found it very funny, and also liked the way all the stories came together in the last chapter. Perhaps you'll enjoy 'Archie's Unbelievably Freaky Week' which comes out in the UK next week...
