
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Haven by Kristi Cook-ADVISABLE

 Cook, Kristi. Haven, 401 pgs. Simon Pulse, 2011. $9.99. Language R (26 swears, 2 ‘f’), Sexual Content PG-13, Violence- PG-13. Violet has always known she’s different from everyone else. Since she was little, she has had visions of the future. When she applies for the Winterhaven School she instinctively knows it is the right place for her, even though she cannot tell why. Upon arriving at the boarding school, Violet learns that everyone at the school has a psychic “power” similar to her visions. For once in her life she starts fitting in. But when she meets Aidan, she is thrown completely off balance. As the two get to know each other better, Violet begins to have visions of Aidan’s death, and sees that she’s the one who is destined to kill him. I really enjoyed this book. The author makes it easy to connect with Violet, and it is easy to see Violet and Aidan’s interactions as a normal, teenage relationship even though it’s anything but normal. Middle School, High School- Advisable. Reviewer: AL

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