
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Dear Flyary by Dianne Young -OPTIONAL

Young, Diane. Dear Flyary, Illustrated by John Martz. 32pgs.  Kids Can Press, 2012.  $16.95 Content: G PICTURE BOOK.

This book is about an adorable alien named Frazzle.  He finally gets a brand new Model 7 spaceship and couldn’t be more excited.  He often records his adventures in his diary. When his prized possession starts to make funny noises he becomes very concerned.  Time and time again, Frazzle is taking his spaceship to his friend Warpitz to have it repaired.  When it’s finally perfect, Frazzle realizes that he misses the old, beloved noises it used to make.

We enjoyed the illustrations and the repetitions like “Piffle Piffle Hum Tick Tick.”  But other than that, we didn’t love this book.  We understand that the author was trying to use creative words to simulate “alien talk” but it made the book difficult to read.

OPTIONAL. Pre-K. EL (K-3). Reviewer: SL.

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