
Sunday, April 15, 2012

Meltdown! by Fred Bortz-ADVISABLE

Bortz, Fred, Meltdown!: the Nuclear Disaster of Japan and our Energy Future.. Twenty-First Century Books, 2012. pgs. 64. NON-FICTION.

On March 11, 2011, Japan was hit by a devastating earthquake. Shortly after, Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant couldn’t keep itself cooled down and underwent a meltdown. Two others soon followed. This event changed people’s lives in Japan forever as well as our energy future. How did our energy technology get to the point they were at before the meltdown? Where will technology take us next with this new knowledge of what happened to the power plants?

A great explanation of energy and the energy crisis that occurred in Japan as well as other places in the past. The author does a good job of giving readers the whole perspective, allowing them to make their own decisions about energy and what they’d like to see in the future. The layout is easy to follow. The text is informative. The photographs complement the text well and help to create the full picture. Readers who are interested in energy or have to do a pros and cons report will appreciate this book. EL (4-6), MS. ADVISABLE. Reviewer: Jessica Moody, Library Media Specialist, Olympus Jr. High.

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