
Sunday, April 15, 2012

Conflifct Resolution Smarts by Matt Doeden-ADVISABLE

Doeden, Matt, Conflict Resolution Smarts Twenty-First Century Books, 2012. ps. 64. NON-FICTION.

Whether in school or at work, we deal with conflict almost every day of our life. Knowing how to handle the conflict correctly can make the difference between a black eye or hurt feelings and a satisfactory compromise. This book will help you learn to resolve your own conflicts in a way that will benefit you as well as other people you encounter.

The author of this book takes scientific evidence on how people react and deal with conflict and turns it into useful strategies for readers. The layout is easy to follow,  With scientific evidence to show how people react and handle conflict, this book provides a good, non-biased look at conflict resolution. Included in the book are articles about how to handle conflict, highlighted emphasis on important points, and a summary at the end of all the book’s tips, this guide is an excellent addition to any school or public library or for teens to read. MS, HS. ADVISABLE. Reviewer: Kira M, Youth Services Librarian, WHI Public Library.

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