
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Lunatic's Curse by F. E. Higgins - OPTIONAL

Higgins, F. E. The Lunatic's Curse, 336 pgs. Feiwel and Friends, 2010.

Language - G, Sexual Content - G; Violence - PG-13; 

Rex has an awesome relationship with his father, a famous engineer, but he is suspicious of his step-mother. This suspicion becomes more justified once his father gets put in the town asylum. Sneaking around and absorbing all the information he can only leads Rex to more questions. It isn't until a stroke of luck sends Rex to follow a lead as an assistant at the asylum that he gains answers and an ally. Rex finally approaches the answer to the mystery, but also finds that ignorance might have been bliss. 

I was curious but unenthralled when I started reading, but was happy when the pace picked up. Once that happened, I could hardly put it down. The suspense was killing me as I kept figuring out more before Rex and had to wait for him to catch up before uncovering more. But by the end I was getting freaked out and confused. I did not like how it turned out and ignorance would've been bliss for me now that I know the big secret.


Reviewer: CCH

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