
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Elmer's Opposites and Elmer's First Counting Book - OPTIONAL

McKee, David  Elmer’s Opposites  Anderson Press USA, 2012. $7.95 BOARD BOOK Content: G In a simple explanation about opposites, jungle animals depict the difference between such adjectives as fat/thin, hot/cold, tall/short, etc.  The illustrations aren’t great, but the colors are bright and attractive.  PRE-K-OPTIONAL.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.

McKee, Davie  Elmer’s First Counting Book  Anderson Press USA, 2012.  $7.95  BOARD BOOK  Content: G  In this simple counting book, different jungle animals are doing different verbs, such as “One Elmer Smiling, Two crocodiles laughing”.  There isn’t an overall story, and the illustrations are a bit elementary, but the bright colors would engage young readers.  PRE-K-OPTIONAL.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.

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