
Sunday, February 12, 2012

Pretty Penny Cleans Up by Devon Kinch-ADVISABLE

Kinch, Devon.  Pretty Penny Cleans Up, 40 pgs.  Random House for Young Readers, 2012.  $16.99.  Inside cover: “The Sassy Pants concert is only one week away, and Penny’s best friend, Emma, has spent her whole allowance.  It’s Pretty Penny to the rescue with another of her big ideas- La Perfect Pup Salon!  Local pups will come away with such hilarious styles as the Punk and the Regal, and the girls will earn enough money for their tickets.  And with the Pretty Penny Saving Setup, they’ll save for charity and for future needs, too.”  This book could be used in a unit on money management, jobs/trades, and friendship.  We liked how Pretty Penny chose to give some of her money to charity and to save some as well.  This is a lesson many children struggle to learn.  The illustrations are bold and bright.  The story is interesting and easy to follow.  Pre-K.  EL (K-3). ADVISABLE.  Reviewer: SL. 

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