
Sunday, February 12, 2012

Half-Pint Pete the Pirate by Sudipta Bardhan-Quallen- OPTIONAL

Bardhan-Quallen, Sudipta.  Valerio, Geraldo.  Half-Pint Pete the Pirate, 32 pgs. $16.99.  Inside cover:  “Half-Pint Pete the Pirate sailed half the seven seas with a patch hiding half his eyes.  But with only half a treasure map, he’d never find his prize!  Until one day when he meets Belle-a female pirate with an incomplete map of her own.  When they combined their halves to make a whole, they find that working together is the best way to find buried treasure.”  This is a cute story with a cute ending.  It could be used in a unit on fractions or friendship.  Other than that, we don’t have anything exciting or negative to say about it.  Pre-K.  OPTIONAL. Reviewer: SL.

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