
Thursday, January 19, 2012

So Silver Bright by Lisa Mantchev - OPTIONAL

Mantchev, Lisa So Silver Bright, 356 p. Feiwel and Friends (Macmillan), 2011.  $17.  Content: G.  Beatrice Shakespeare Smith’s heart is evenly divided between Nate the pirate and Ariel the wind spirit.  Circumstances – magic – are pushing her towards a choice, but there never seems to be a bit of calm to allow her a chance to think.  Sedna, the evil one, is out to destroy Bertie and everything she loves, her father is missing, her mother is barely holding on to sanity and the Theatre Illuminata’s very existence is in danger.  How, among all of this uproar can Bertie hear her heart long enough to make a choice?  

Smart girls who love classic fantasy will continue to enjoy Bertie and her friends.  This not for every student – it requires too much care in reading, but it definitely has its audience.  MS, HS - OPTIONAL.  Cindy, Library Teacher

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