
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Nightshade by Maryrose Wood - ESSENTIAL

Wood, Maryrose The Poison Diaries: Nightshade, 279 pgs. Balzer+Bray, 2011. $17.99. Language G (0 swears), Sexual Content PG; Violence PG-13; Jessamine is now on the run after recovering from a fever that almost killed her caused by the poisonous substance her dad gave her. All the while Weed cared for her and saved her life. Once she regained consciousness Weed was gone and her father was to blame. So she took matters into her own hands or so she thought. Somehow, the sticky tendrils of Nightshade had tightened their grip on this innocent girl. So she ran following this dangerous prince of poison's guide to try and find Weed. Little does she know Nightshade has no intent of letting this joyful reunion happen and will stop it in it's tracks if the chance might happen. 

I loved this squeal to the first book! Just as good and just as creepy!! With these poisonous plants that have minds of their owns that even cause humans to do things they wish not to. This situation causes the perfect mix of a romance and creepy horror. I also absolutely loved how the author reminded the reader of the age period of the story with the accusal of Jessamine being a witch and even tested! Wonderful! MS - ESSENTIAL. Student Reviewer: KU

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