Baskin, Nora Raleigh. The Summer Before Boys,196 pgs. Simon & Schuster, 2011. $15.99. Language- G (0 swears, 0 ‘f’) Sexual Content- G, Violence-G. When twelve-year-old Julia’s mom goes overseas to Iraq with the National Guard, she’s left to spend the summer with her best friend and cousin, Eliza. Distracted by worries of her mother, Julia and Eliza spend a lot of time playing “olden times” and pretending they live in an era before the one they live in now. But when Julia meets a boy that she decides she wants to be her first kiss, things change between the girls, and Eliza resents being left in the dust. This was a cute book, more for a younger group of readers. But anyone with a parent serving in the Army would be able to connect to how Julia feels about her mother leaving her. A good read. Middle School- ADVISABLE. Reviewer: AL
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