De Goldi, Katie. The 10 P.M. Question, 245 pgs. Candlewick Press, 2008. $15.99. Language-PG (10 swears, 0 “f”), Sexual Content-G, Violence-G. Frankie Parsons worries. He worries about who’s getting the groceries, about one of the hundreds of mysterious illnesses he could possibly be carrying at the moment, about who’s going to pay his bus fare. But mostly he worries about his mother, and why she never leaves the house. So at 10 P.M. every night, Frankie goes and asks his mother all his “What if” questions, but never really asks the ones that worry him the most, the ones about her. I liked this book. It was pretty heartbreaking to read about all the things a 12 year old boy with anxiety could possibly be worrying about, but it was a good read and kept me interested. Middle School, High School- ADVISABLE. Reviewer: AL
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