Soup, Dr. Cuthbert A Whole Nother Story, 228 pgs. Bloomsbury, 2010. Language - G, Sexual Content - G; Violence - PG; Mr. Cheeseman and his three kids have to pack up everything and move in the middle of the night, again. They have been running away from secret agents for a couple of years now. The secret agents are after the LVR, a time machine that Mr. Cheeseman has almost finished. Leaving their house, furniture, and friends has two upsides: the three children get to choose new names and they get to camp out. Unfortunately, their pursuers are on their heels. The narrator of this story makes a lot of comments every other chapter. These interruptions usually bug me enough to drop the book like a hot potato, but this narrator was hilarious! I almost read the whole book to my sister just reading the funny bits and we both laughed our lungs out. Dr. Cuthbert Soup is a genius with his dialogue, too. Three henchman of Mr. 5 were constantly debating the same topic through out the whole book and that made it all the more amusing. If you do not enjoy laughing, do not read this outstanding book. MS - ADVISABLE. Reviewer: CCH
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