
Saturday, July 9, 2011

Leaving Gee's Bend by Irene Latham - OPTIONAL

Latham, Irene Leaving Gee's Bend, 227 pgs. G.P. Putnam's Sons, 2010. Language - PG (6 swears, 0 "f"), Sexual Content - G; Violence - PG; Lu lives in Gee's Bend and always has, but the first time she set foot outside of her town is a tale to remember. Lu has to get to Camden for a doctor and has many hold ups on the way while Mama is dying! The ferry breaks, she sleeps in a barn, and meets a Mrs. Cobbs who wants to hurt the people is Gee's Bend, starting with Lu. An adventure trip under the pressure of time is always exciting. Lu races to get to the doctor in time and then back to Gee's Bend again, forgetting important things and meeting people on the way. I think the conflicts went away too easily, but it didn't take too much away from the fun story. MS - OPTIONAL. Reviewer: CCH 

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