
Friday, March 25, 2011

Recovery Road by Blake Nelson - ADVISABLE

Nelson, Blake Recovery Road, pgs. 320. Scholastic Press, 2011. $17.99 Language- PG-13 (41 swears, 4 'f' words) Mature Content- PG-13; 

Madeline is sent away to Spring Meadows because of her drinking and anger problems. On a weekly movie night she meets Stewart, who is dealing with problems of his own. It is hard times and they make it through them together. When Maddie gets out of rehab, she tries to get back on her feet. And she was waiting for Stewart to join her, but when he does, it is not as perfect as they imagined. Both of them have problems they have to overcome. And love isn't answering any of their questions, but generating more to deal with.              

I really enjoyed this book. It pulled me in and made me feel like I was Maddie. It was very well written and I think I could read it again some day. I would definitely suggest it to my peers. I'm excited to be adding this to my collection of books. I rated it PG-13 because of strong language, drug use, teen alcohol use, and sexual content. HS - ADVISABLE Student Reviewer:CG

Visit Blake Nelson's blog and read about his promotional tour.

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