
Friday, March 25, 2011

I Lost My Mobile at the Mall by Wendy Harmer - OPTIONAL

Harmer, Wendy I Lost My Mobile at the Mall, pgs. 265. Kane Miller, 2011. $16.99 Language- PG Mature Content- PG; 

'Teenager on the edge of a technological breakdown' Elly Pickering has lost her mobile at the mall and now her whole world is going into a downward spiral. First of all it's not the first mobile she has lost. Secondly, Bianca (her best friend) will kill her because she has a photo of Bianca with Hugh Jackman, and numerous texts from Jai, Bianca's boyfriend. Third, she lost the gorgeous ring her boyfriend gave her. And lastly, all her numbers, pictures and texts were in there from the last year. Then she loses her computer when her house is robbed and she has to learn to live without technology and get through being a teenager.           

This book was a real laugh. It made me think about how my life would be without technology. I don't think I would read it again though, and it wouldn't be the first book I would recommend. It was humorous, but not the most entertaining. MS - OPTIONAL Student Reviewer: CG

See Wendy Harmer talk about her inspiration for the novel on her youtube video.

See on Amazon:

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