
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Old Photographs by Sherie Posesorski

Posesorski, Sherie Old Photographs, pgs 213. Second Story Press, 2010. $10.95. Language- G (no swears, no "f"), Sexual Content- PG; Violence-PG.

Phoebe can't help but notice her sweet older neighbor, Mrs. Tomblin, is struggling.  She decides to spend her summer helping and entertaining Mrs. Tomblin.  One night though Mrs. Tomblin is robbed and badly beaten.  It's up to Phoebe to crack the case one step at a time and make sure no one bothers Mrs. Tomblin again.  I enjoyed this book, although at times it got kind of dull and long.  Other then that it is a great book for girls ranging from 6th grade and beyond. 

MS- OPTIONAL. Student Reviewer: BJS

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