Jinks, Catherine The Abused Werewolf Rescue Group, 416 p. Harcourt (Houghton) APRIL 2011. $16.99. Violence: R (LOTS of bloody fighting); Language: R (100+ swears, 0 “F”); Mature Content: G. Toby woke up in the dingo pen of the local zoo – naked. Thankfully only a few people know that detail. But just enough people do that some scruffy characters are sniffing around him, including a teen named Reuben and his priest friend. Toby refuses to believe that he might be a werewolf – IS a werewolf – and that he is a great danger to all around him a few days a month. But when the dangerous dudes kidnap him and toss him into a barebones cell, Toby is more convinced. Here comes Reuben to the rescue, and also Danny, another of the kidnappers’ former victims and his pack of vicious trained dogs. Oh and don’t forget Nina and other assorted members of the Reformed Vampire Support Group. Where the first book in the series was poignant among its danger and bravery, this book is heavy on the viciousness, angst and down-right hostility. I found it too angry for my taste and could never enjoy returning to this world that I loved so much the first time. HS – OPTIONAL. Cindy, Library Teacher.
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