Atwater-Rhodes, Amelia Persistence of Memory. Delacorte Press, 2008. $15.99. Language-PG ( 6 swears, 0 "F's");Sexual Content-G; Violence-G; Erin has always weird. She has always gone to a private school and spent most of her life in a mental hospital. She has an alter ego that comes around and wreaks havoc for the the people around her when ever she is stressed and can’t handle any more. But lately she has seemed to overcome this and is easing in to high school life when an old friend comes back. When he tells her that he may have an explanations for her alter ego she begins to question the real world. What she discovers is a stunning tale. I really liked this book. It kept me hooked all the way to the end. I would recommend this to any one who enjoys fantasy and adventure. MS, HS - OPTIONAL, Student Reviewer- MP
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