
Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Last Wild Place by Rosa Jordan - ESSENTIAL

Jordan, Rosa The Last Wild Place. 225 pages. Peachtree Publishers, 2008.$15.95.

Language-G(0 swears, 0 "F's"); Sexual Content-G; Violence-G;

Chip and Luther are best friends living in Florida. They love to explore and have a favorite place to go. The Old Place. It has an old barn with owls nesting in the loft and outside there is almost a hundred rabbits. Then there is the jungle an area that has never been developed. But then a developer does come around claiming he has the rights to build on the land. Can Luther and Chip save the Old Place and the Jungle?

I personally really liked this book. It is easy to relate too because The things that happen in the book are things that happen in real life. I would recommend this book to a lot of people.

MS - ESSENTIAL-Student Reviewer-MP

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