
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Legacies by Mercedes Lackey and Rosemary Edgehill

Lackey, Mercedes and Rosemary Edghill Legacies (Shadow Grail #1), 308 p.  Tor, JULY 2010.  $18.99.  Language: PG (5 swears).  After the rest of her family died in a terrible car accident, Spirit White was taken in by the very selective Oakhurst Academy, which her parents had appointed as her guardians.  Think Dr. Xavier’s academy in X-men and you are right on target.  But with a super secret academy for budding heroes of all sorts, there must also be an enemy.  Something is taking any students dumb enough to go outside the wards – and Spirit and her friends know that someone on the inside is helping them.  While its not the best Mercedes Lackey I have ever read, it is certainly well-suited for its audience – YA who want a lot of action in their fantasy.  Obviously there will be more to come. MS, HS – ADVISABLE. Cindy, Library Teacher

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