Peters, Julie Anne. By the Time You Read This I'll be Dead, 200 pg. Language-Pg13 (15 swears, 8 "f") Sexual Content-G Violence-Pg. Daelyn has failed many times. If she had succeeded she wouldn't be alive now. She'd tried slitting her wrists. Swallowing dish soap. Now not only is she alive but her life just seems worse. One day she finds a website called Through The Light. Will she get it right this time with the help of Through the Light? I know it sounds kinda creepy but this was a really great book. I loved the emotion that the author got through onto the pages. It was very well written. MS-HS--ESSENTIAL Student Reviewer: CRH
I love Julie Anne Peters. I have three books by her and this one will automatically be added to my "to-read" list immediately.