
Monday, May 31, 2010

The Goth and the Ghost by Stacey Kade

Kade, Stacey The Goth and the Ghost,  288 p. Disney, JULY 2010.  $16.99.  Language: PG-13 (40+ swears, 3 “f”).  Alona, queen bee, is dead.  Unfortunately she died in her crappy gym uniform, so now she is stuck in that ugly thing in her afterlife.  Weirdly,  Will, resident creepy, black-wearing, goth boy can actually see her.  She knows, because he saw him react to the humiliation of finding her boyfriend making out with her former best friend – THREE DAYS – after Alona’s death.  Alona needs Will to help her over to the other side – but so does every other ghost in town.  Will has problems and secrets of his own, including a vindictive spirit who seems to be out to do himbodily harm.  If Alona isn’t careful, she may find herself tied to Will forever.  Alona is surprisingly funny.  I was ready while I was getting my hair done and I kept snorting, so I would have to read passages out loud.  And it is also very poignant – I came close to tears more than once.  It would be much more accessible without the “language”. MS – OPTIONAL, HS – ADVISABLE. Cindy, Library Teacher.


  1. I am so excited to read this book and you are adding to that excitement! I adore this cover, it is one of my favorites.

  2. Morgan - you will not be disappointed - I laughed out loud at parts, held my breath with fear and thought I was going to die with anxiety! It was a wonderful roller coaster. -Cindy
