
Monday, May 31, 2010

Finders Keepers by Marilyn Kaye

Kaye, Marilyn Finders Keepers (Gifted #4), 216 p.  Kingfisher, 2010.  $7.99.  Ken would much rather be an ordinary football player,  but instead he’s stuck being able to talk to ghosts – and he’ll tell you – it really isn’t that much fun.  Now he’s stuck in a love triangle with his dead best friend’s girl.  But even worse, someone wants to use Ken’s power to do dastardly deeds.  The inferring girls in his Gifted class won’t leave him alone, either.  What’s a boy to do?  If it weren’t for how whiny Amanda is, I would enjoy this series much more – but the rest if the group is great and I am really waiting to see the rest of the personalities come to the fore.  EL, MS – ADVISABLE.  

1 comment:

  1. I'll have to add this one to my wishlist because it sounds so amazing. I also really love the cover-the blue is gorgeous!
