
Friday, April 30, 2010

The Smash! Smash! Truck Recycling as You've Never Heard it Before! by Aidan Potts

Potts, Aidan The Smash! Smash! Truck 48 p. David Fickling Books 2010. $16.99. PICTURE BOOK. Language - G; Sexual Content - G; Violence - G. This book explains how recycling is happening all around us. It talks about how atoms are recycled on Earth, and that Earth recycles atoms all the time. Our land, which is made up of atoms is constantly changing, but always recycling. The water cycle is another example of recycling that is happening right now. Human beings are also made up of recycled atoms. We could contain atoms that used to be in glass or other living things. It stresses how important it is for us to recycle glass because it sits for hundreds of thousands of years before being "smashed up." The sound of glass smashing used to mean that something broke, but now it just means that the green recycling truck is here to pick up the glass. EL - OPTIONAL. Anna Mattheus, Elementary Teacher.

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