
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Groundhog Weather School by Joan Holub

Holub, Joan Groundhog Weather School 32 p. Putnam Juvenile 2009. $16.99. PICTURE BOOK. Language - G; Sexual Content - G; Violence - G. Groundhog day is here and rabbit is so excited, the prediction is that it will be spring. Rabbit puts on his Hawaiian shirt and heads outdoors to find snow on the ground. He writes a letter complaining that maybe the weather groundhog should hire more helpers to cover the weather all over the country. The weather groundhog thinks this is a great idea and soon recruits more groundhogs to help him. They have to go through Groundhog Weather School first. Once the students have learned what seeing their shadow means, how to dig a burrow, and why they hibernate they are ready to help the weather groundhog. On the next Groundhog Day, they all come up and give their predictions. The predictions are sent to the main headquarters, where the weather groundhog predicts that it will be winter for another six weeks. Rabbit is excited and heads outside with a sled. He finds sunshine and realizes that it is hard to predict the weather. This is a cute and informative book about groundhogs and explains how Groundhog Day works. EL - ESSENTIAL. Anna Mattheus, Elementary Teacher.

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