
Thursday, February 13, 2025

The Doomsday Vault (Everwhen school of time travel) by Thomas Wheeler - NO

Content: G (mild danger)



Bertie Wells opens a black hole in his bedroom and then is whisked away to join the Ever School of Time Travel to learn more about time traveling and guarding historical events. He meets a fantastical crew of students from all over time, with friends to make, problems to solve, and people to save.

I had a hard time buying into this book from the first chapter - where Leonardo DaVinci appeared in a parade to his genius and someone runs up with the Last Supper for him to autograph. WTH? ANd it really didn’t get much better from there.  Wheeler seems to think that he could do anything he wanted with people and places from all over time and no one would notice what a chaotic mess he was creating. 

Cindy, Middle School Librarian, MLS

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