
Saturday, January 25, 2025

Select by Christie Matheson - ESSENTIAL

Select by Christie Matheson, 240 pages. Random House, 2024. $18

Language: G (0 swears, 0  “f”); Mature Content: G; Violence: G (bullying mentioned)



12yo Alex loves soccer.  SHe has been playing with the rec center team since she was just five.  A coach from an elite club team sees Alex and convinces her mother to have her join - even though as a single mom family, Alex takes most of the heavy-lifting, tending her little sister, Belle.  Alex must get herself, and sometimes Belle, to her practices and games - a delicate ballet of time and buses - all over the greater San Francisco area. Plus Alex has been coached by a supportive, encouraging woman for years and the new, male coach’s acerbic attitude and out-right hostility at times. 

Matheson has written an excellent book - about single parent-families, about being there for each other, about standing up for yourself and not accepting bad behavior - especially from an adult.  The only thing that surprised me was how unsupportive the team was in helping Alex and Belle get to games and practices - only once did anyone offer them a ride. But I would encourage kids of all sorts to read this - not just soccer girls. The main characters default white.

Cindy, Middle School Librarian, MLS

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