
Friday, October 25, 2024

Wild Wave by Rodman Philbrick - ESSENTIAL

Wild Wave by Rodman Philbrick, 194 pages. Scholastic, 2024. $19. 9781338882315

Content: G (mild danger)



Middle schooler Nick is at the local nature preserve working on a final assignment before school lets out for the summer when first an earthquake and then a tsunami hits. Running into the nearby forest, Nick barely survives, along with Jess, a popular girl from his school who gives tours at the refuge. Through all the chaos, the debris, the danger of forest, the two are hoping they can find a way out.  Things become even more desperate when they find a boat that has been flung into the trees with their science teacher and her husband aboard.  If their teacher doesn’t get her medication, her life will become very dire indeed.

Philbrick just gets better and better at weaving his disaster/survival stories. He keeps the tension high, without resorting to gimmicks and tricks. Hatchet is still popular in middle school and the length is perfect for any reader.

Cindy, Middle School Librarian, MLS

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