
Saturday, October 26, 2024

The Factory by Catherine Egan - OPTIONAL

The Factory by Catherine Egan, NOV 2024. $9 (paperback only)

Language: G (0 swears, 0 “f”); Mature Content: G; Violence: PG (kids are punished by spending extra time in their pods)



8th grader Asher is lucky to be one of eight new kids chosen to join a top secret experimental program. As the secret love child of an important senator, Asher told again and again how lucky he is - especially because his mother is in trouble with some very shady characters and this will help her get out from under her debt. From the very beginning Asher finds the experiment to be suspect - they teens are immersed in fluid and it feels like something vital is being pulled from their bodies. Asher is determined and desperate to expose the experiment.

Egan has set this in a dystopian near future.  In flavor it reminds me a lot of Will Sleator’s science fiction from the 1990’s.  Since it is only in paperback, I may buy it and see how it does in the short term.

Cindy, Middle School Librarian, MLS

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