
Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Adventures of Mary Jane by Hope Jahren - ADVISABLE

Adventures of Mary Jane by Hope Jahren, 423 pages. Delacorte (Random House), 2024. $20.

Content:  (Being honest - it’s summer.  I didn’t keep track of any content issues and don’t remember anything being egregious or of note - I don’t have an ebook version, so I can’t search for any content)



When their trading post burns down again, Mary Jane, her mother, and her grandfather head south early for the summer.  When they arrive at Fort Snelling, 500 miles south, Mary Jane’s Ma has a letter from her sister, asking for help, so Ma decides to send Mary Jane farther south to Fort Edwards. Mary Jane’s journey is fraught with a roller coaster of bad deals and unexpected kindnesses - and things at her aunt’s home are a disaster. The mix of kindness and scoundrels continues - and Mary Jane uses her brains and wits to tackle each new challenge.

Adults who have read Huckleberry Finn and who love historical fiction will admire Mary Jane and enjoy the story. Mary Jane fleshed out reminds me of the most heroic of heroines.  The part where it crosses paths with Huck I found to be the least satisfying.  Because of its size and being historical fiction, I believe that only a handful of high school students will be attracted to it.  But, it will find its audience with older women who know and love their classics. On a personal note - I found the parts about historical antagonistic attitudes towards Mormons (being one myself) to be spot on, but tempered with Jahren showing the generosity those hated people showed to Mary Jane’s family when they were in dire need. 

Cindy, Middle School Librarian, MLS

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