
Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Eowulf by Mike Cavallaro - ADVISABLE

by Mike Cavallaro
, 222 pages. GRAPHIC NOVEL First Second (Macmillan), 2024 16 

Language: G (1 swear) Mature Content: G Violence: G 



Eowulf, daughter of Deowulf, son of Ceowulf, descendant of Beowulf, has problems. She is a Dungeons & Dragons whiz with her friends, but when she tries to stick up for a kid who always gets bullied, her friends suddenly seem distant. Besides, Eowulf has a secret she hasn't shared with her friends: she is a monster hunter with her dad. But boring New Jersey may have a monster and secrets of its own. 

 I liked that there is a plot within a plot. There is a story about the D&D campaign that dovetails nicely with Eowulf's narrative. While the premise is pretty bizarre, it's relatable because of common threads surrounding friendship, bullying, misunderstandings, and finding common ground. I ended up liking the story and the bright, colorful graphics. The story wraps up nicely, but there will be a second book. Race or cultures are difficult to assess, but there is a variety of skin tones. 

Michelle in the Middle 

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