
Monday, April 29, 2024

Work with What You Got Zion Clark and James S. Hirsch - OPTIONAL

Work with What You Got by Zion Clark and James S. Hirsch,
232 pages. NON FICTION, BIOGRAPHY Candlewick Press, 2023. $19 

Language: R (0 swears 2 'f'); Mature Content: PG-13 (Drug use and gangs); Violence: PG (Reference to abuse by caregivers) 



Entering life without legs challenged Zion Clark. But, what challenged him more throughout his life was the dysfunction and betrayal inherent in the Ohio Foster Care system. Sarah Singleton provided a loving home and for no apparent reason, the state transferred him to a “nicer” home, which was filled with abuse. So, Zion bounced from house to house. Caring coaches and teachers inspired Zion to achieve in music, wrestling, and racing. Another loving woman, Kim Clark, took him in at age 17 and later adopted him. Zion tastefully explains his complaints against the foster care system while inspiring youth and adults alike by his determination to succeed. 

The book mesmerized me. I could hardly believe all that Zion achieved in his condition. Truly inspiring. Zion Clark is black and grew up in foster care. 

Michelle McKnight- FACS Teacher 

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