
Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Skybound! by Sue Ganz-Schmitt and Jacopo Bruno - ADVISABLE

Skybound! Starring Mary Myers as Carlotta, Daredevil Aeronaut and Scientist
by Sue Ganz-Schmitt, illustrated by Jacopo Bruno
. PICTURE BOOK NON-FICTION, BIOGRAPHY Calkins Creek (Astra), 2024 $19. 9781635928150 



Mary Myers had her head in the clouds - literally! She dreamed of flying and worked with her husband on the science of aeronautics - even helping create a new fabric for balloons, even though it was dangerous to formulate. It isn't until she is 30 that she finally goes up in a balloon of her own - on her own - and doesn't ever stop. 

How fabulous! I love that Ganz-Schmitt and Bruno have brought Mary forward from the fringes of history and back into the limelight she so deserves. Our 9th graders build hot air balloons with tissue paper every spring, so I am very excited to be able to share this with them. The main text is exciting to read and view. The back matter is a great supplement, with a few photographs and artifacts of "Carlotta" and her exploits. Carlotta is white. 

Cindy, Middle School Librarian, MLS

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