
Saturday, March 2, 2024

Shattered Midnight by Dhonielle Clayton - OPTIONAL

Shattered Midnight (The Mirror #2) by Dhonielle Clayton, 297 pgs. Hyperion, 2021. $19.

Language: PG (5 swears); Mature Content: PG (racial discrimination, off-page sex); Violence: PG-13 (death, bloodiness, fights, forced kissing and sexual harassment)



Zora doesn’t want to move to New Orleans to live with her Aunt Celine and her snooty cousins, but after what her magic had done, she had no choice. She would need to learn to keep her magic under control if she wanted to survive as a mixed race girl in the South. Luckily, her job singing at the Petit Sapphire Saloon gives her a way to escape into her music, as well as a place to be herself. But, when she meets and falls for the white piano player, Philip, circumstances beyond their control threaten to spoil Zora’s peace and happiness. 

I wanted to like this book, but it was a bit too dark. It is supposed to connect to Broken Wish, but the magic thread that links them wasn’t strong enough. The books could be completely independent without affecting the plot at all. I didn’t like the main character very much and the level of violence and the adult issues included were more than I would expect for a middle grade novel. I thought it would be more like a fairytale, but it ended up being much more serious. I did like the setting and enjoyed the historical fiction aspect of New Orleans in the 1920s. I also liked the idea of music being magical, but the explanation of how it can be used as a weapon was a little iffy. 

A Roundy

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