
Monday, March 18, 2024

Planting Hope by Philip Hoelzel and Renato Alcarao - ADVISABLE

Planting Hope: a portrait of photographer Sebastian Salgado by Philip Hoelzel, illustrated by Renato Alcarao
. PICTURE BOOK BIOGRAPHY Atheneum (Simon), 2024. $19. 9781534477650 



Sebastiao Salgado grew up on a huge farm in Brazil, but left to be educated and then traveled the world with his wife to study. Once he discovered the camera, his life was taken with photography, and using photos to show the world the ills caused by war and by inequity. When returned to his family farm, he discovered a land ravaged by indiscriminate clear cutting. He and his wife had a new project to embrace - restoring the forest ecosystem and spreading that restoration as far as possible. 

Hoezel gives a good example of what a picture book biography can look like. For Middle schools and High schools I would recommend this if a teacher has a biography unit. The text is dense - not suitable for a read-aloud with younger students. While Salgado is from Brazil, he is portrayed as a white blond in the book - he probably comes from the white upper social class. 

Cindy, MS Librarian, MLS

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