
Sunday, December 24, 2023

Forever Twelve (The Evers #1) by Stacy McAnulty - ADVISABLE

Forever Twelve (The Evers #1)
by Stacy McAnulty
, 351 pages. Random House, 2023 $18 

Language: G (0 swears 0 'f');  Mature Content: G; Violence: PG (girl falls from roof) 



12yo Ivy is excited to take the exam for the prestigious West Archer Academy - her love of learning and knowledge has left her feeling on the outs at all of her other schools. A random girl on campus mistakes Ivy for someone named Grace, leading to a deeper mystery - including Abigail trying to persuade Ivy that Abigail and a few others are Evers - children who have been changed and now live forever. Abigail is sure that Ivy is the key to finding out what happened to Grace - an Ever who disappeared more than 50 years ago. 

There doesn't seem to be a specific reason, at least not revealed yet, that the Evers have to be 12. And one of the Evers seems to be younger, but he doesn't appear much on the pages. It feels like the 1st book is a lot of set-up for things to start happening in the next book. The current Evers seem to do very little with their immortality. But the mystery and the dramatic rush at the end will draw some fans. Plus I want to see more of Ronan, Ivy's acquaintance from home who has his own supernatural challenges to deal with. The characters default to white. 

Cindy, Library Teacher, MLIS

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