
Saturday, November 18, 2023

Hope in the Valley by Mitali Perkins - OPTIONAL

Hope in the Valley by Mitali Perkins, 291 pages. Farrar Straus Giroux (Macmillan), 2023. $18. 

Content: G



Since her mother died, 13yo Pandita has snuck over to the abandoned house across the street where they used to play and Pandita left notes for her mother after her death. Pandita wants to save the home, but her older sister is all about tearing it down and building affordable housing. Summer was supposed to be fun, but her older sisters have enrolled her in drama camp, where she has to see her former best friend every day. Plus she’s had a falling out with Mr. Marvin, the elderly man she has been sharing her love of poetry with.  And while her new friend, Leo, is a bright spot, his family can’t actually afford to stay in the valley.

Supposedly the book is set in the 80’s, but there is only a little bit of 80’s feeling to the book. Pandita’s parents are from India, but the most Indian thing about it is the food. Mitali Perkins is usually so spot on with her writing - but this, I felt, falls short of its potential.

Cindy Mitchell, Library Teacher, MLS

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