
Thursday, October 5, 2023

Psychology for Kids by Jacqueline B. Toner and Claire A.B. Freeland - OPTIONAL

Psychology for Kids: the science of the mind and behavior by Jacqueline B. Toner and Claire A.B. Freeland, 247 pages. NON-FICTION. Magination Press, 2021. $25. 9781433832109



A look at psychology - what it is, what it studies, and what psychology has taught us. And teaches us. The publisher’s recommended age for this non-fiction book about psychology is 10-13, just about right.  The illustrations are child-like, so high school students wouldn’t be drawn to it, but the material is pretty dense for most elementary students.  Except for using this as a textbook, I am not sure many kids would read it from start to finish. FYI - there is a chapter of sex and gender identity, but it is very even handed and neutral in presentation and tone - I was very impressed. Some teachers and or school psychologists might want to use certain chapters with students for particular topics. Only rating is optional because few students would read this on their own.

Cindy Mitchell, Library Teacher, MLS

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