
Monday, October 30, 2023

No Horses in the House!by Mireille Messier and Anna Bron - OPTIONAL

No Horses in the House!: The Audacious Life of Artist Rosa Bonheur
by Mireille Messier illustrated by Anna Bron. PICTURE BOOK BIOGRAPHY Orca Book Publishers, 2023. $22. 9781459833524 



Once there was a girl named Rosa who loved to draw animals, especially horses. Her mother insisted on teaching her to read and let her draw an animal for every letter in the alphabet. As Rosa grew older she didn't want to sew, embroider, cook, and garden like the other girls. Eventually, her father taught her to draw, paint, and sculpt at home like her brothers. Rosa wanted to go to the horse market to draw horses, but only boys were allowed. So Rosa dressed in her brother's clothing and went to the horse market. A policeman caught her. So Rosa got a permit from the government to dress any way she wanted. She started showing her paintings. Some ridiculed her but others thought her animals were very lifelike. Then one year her newest painting, The Horse Fair, was so beautiful that she became one of the most famous artists in France. 

No Horses in the House is an interesting account of the life of famous French artist Rosa Bonheur. Messier's text portrays a woman willing to take surprisingly bold risks, and dress as a man to be able to do things that only men were allowed to do in 1829 in France. I enjoyed the story and the storytelling illustrations. the fact sheet at the end includes more detail to her life and alternate lifestyle. 


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