
Sunday, September 3, 2023

The Dread Penny Society by Sarah M. Eden - OPTIONAL

The Dread Penny Society by Sarah M. Eden, 400 pages. SHORT STORIES. Shadow Mountain Publishing, 2023. $26.

Language: PG (0 swears, 0 “f”); Mature Content: PG; Violence: PG



Penny dreadfuls were popular short, serial stories in the United Kingdom, and Eden has tried her hand at writing several. While these short stories are read in installments throughout Eden’s series “The Dread Penny Society,” this compilation allows readers to get the complete penny dreadfuls all together. Ranging in style, as if written by different authors, and tone, readers never know what’s going to happen next.

These short stories lose some of their power in mirroring and giving insight into Eden’s focus characters in the Dread Penny Society series when they are taken away from the context of those novels Eden originally put them in. However, I did enjoy being able to read the stories in full without waiting for the next installment. Putting the penny dreadfuls together also better illustrates Eden’s skill in writing vastly differing styles.

The majority of characters are implied English and Irish. The language rating is for use of British swears, the mature content rating is for criminal mischief, and the violence rating is for weapon use and fantasy violence.

Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen

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