
Wednesday, August 2, 2023

The Art of Love and Lies by Rebecca Anderson - OPTIONAL

The Art of Love and Lies by Rebecca Anderson, 288 pages. Shadow Mountain Publishing, 2023. $17.

Language: G (0 swears, 0 “f”); Mature Content: PG; Violence PG



The art exhibition in Manchester has attracted the affluent and middle class, artists and laymen, royalty and criminals. Inspector Martin Harrison is head of security, doing his best to be the opposite kind of man as the father he shares a name with, and Rosanna is an artist, thriving due to her employer’s ability to predict which exhibition pieces will fetch good prices when reproduced. Fate brings the two together, but it will take more than pretty words to separate the known facts from the hard truths they get tangled up in.

Both of the characters jump into love quickly, which made the inception of their relationship feel unrealistic, but that foundation of their relationship was necessary for the rest of the story—and how the rest of it unfolds is worth the suspended disbelief. Anderson explores discussions of art with the reader by juxtaposing Martin’s and Rosanna’s opinions, which I loved. Art is brought to life in a way that I have never experienced in an illustration-less book, rounded out by the suspense of chasing down the bad guy.

All of the characters are English. The mature content rating is for kissing and innuendo. The violence rating is for physical abuse, illegal activity, and gun handling.

Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen

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