
Wednesday, July 12, 2023

The Love Report by BeKa & Maya - ADVISABLE

The Love Report
by BeKa & Maya ,
192 pages. GRAPHIC NOVEL Astra/Boyds Mill. 2022. $13 

Language: G (0 swears); Mature Content: PG (Image of a boy trying to put his hand up a girl's shirt). Violence: G.



Middle schoolers, Lola and Grace, decide to do an investigation on what love is as they begin navigating the treacherous waters of middle school attraction. As they work on their report they discover more about themselves and each other. 

While the cover makes the girls seem young, the book addresses some fairly difficult topics, such as what happens when a boy tries to put unwanted moves on a girl and then ruins her reputation by calling her easy, divorce, and friendship changes. The issues are handled well as the girls discover that love has many aspects. The characters and their problems are realistic and it's an easily accessible format. The illustrations are bright and engaging as well. There are six primary characters coming from a variety of ethnic backgrounds. 

 Michelle in the Middle

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